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How to Apply Mulch to Maximize Plant Growth

Apply Mulch to Maximize Plant Growth

Mulch is an excellent tool for improving the health of your plants and the quality of your garden. Mulch is a layer of material applied to the soil surface around your plants. It serves as a covering to suppress weeds, conserve moisture and regulate soil temperature. As a bonus, mulch can be used to enhance Read more

DIY Guide to Composting

Close up of persons hand doing a DIY Composting

  Composting is the superhero of waste management, turning your food scraps and yard waste into a powerful nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used to fertilize plants and gardens. By recycling biodegradable material, you create an ideal environment for bacteria, fungi, and other decomposing materials like worms, sowbugs, and nematodes to work their magic. Read more

Benefits of Adding Screened Topsoil to Your Lawn

Person adding adding screened topsoil to lawn using their hands

  Creating a healthy and visually appealing lawn requires more than just watering and mowing. The quality of the soil beneath your grass plays a crucial role in determining how vibrant and resilient your lawn will be. This is where screened topsoil for lawn care becomes essential. Screened topsoil has been filtered to remove debris Read more

When to Add Compost to Your Perennial Garden

When to Add Compost to Your Perennial Garden

Perennial gardens can be beautiful in the hands (and thumbs) of the right gardeners. Crafting a garden that will last throughout the seasons can be difficult, but nothing is impossible with the right materials and a winning attitude. Plus, a bit of advice can go a long way too. This conveniently brings us to the Read more

The Difference Between Topsoil and Compost

Understanding the different components of your garden beds is an integral part of becoming a better gardener. Fertilizer, topsoil, compost and mulch may all bear similarities to one another, but each is a distinct product with a specific purpose. Additionally, they all require certain conditions to be most effective, making it essential to understand the Read more

When & Why to Add Compost to Your Garden

When and Why to Add Compost to Your Garden

Anyone with a basic understanding of gardening has heard of compost, but some are still scared to use it. Caring for anything can be a tough and emotional experience, and the idea of introducing a foreign substance that could potentially harm or destroy your hard work is not always appealing.  Why You Should Add Compost Read more

How to Keep the Life in Your Garden Through July and August

How to Keep the Life in Your Garden Through July and August - Soil Kings - Soil Products in Calgary

July and August tend to be really dry months, which can be hard on your landscape, so we have some tips to keep the moisture in the ground this summer. Rain Barrels In Calgary’s dry climate it’s always worth finding ways to capture and make the most out of water we already receive rather than Read more

Why Get Soil, Mulch, or Aggregate?

Why Get Soil, Mulch, or Aggregate? - Soil Kings - Soil Products in Calgary

At Soil Kings, we have one of the largest lines of soil, aggregate, and mulch products in Calgary! Learn how to make the most of the soil you choose for your garden with this information on how it will help your garden in the long term. Soil comes in a diverse assortment, each one providing Read more

How to Engineer Your Garden

How to Engineer Your Garden - Soil Kings - Soil Products in Calgary

If you’ve read our previous articles, you understand how products like the garden mixes and compost offered by Soil Kings can benefit your garden. Now that you have a better idea of what kind of products you want to use, what should you keep in mind when it comes time to plant your seeds? Natural Read more