Pick Up Or Delivery - All Products In Bulk - No Plastic Bags

Frequently Asked Questions

Bulk Soil


General Questions About Bulk Landscaping Products

How does Soil Kings deliver its landscape supply products?
We exclusively deliver all our products in bulk using our dump trucks. We do NOT use plastic bags — much more eco-friendly!

How Much is Delivery?
Soil Kings ONE product delivery: $120 within Calgary (includes Langdon & Chestermere). Additional charges apply to all other communities.
The $120 delivery charge includes up to 12yds of bulk soil/mulch OR up to 10yds of gravel/rock/sand.

Soil Kings TWO product delivery: $200 within Calgary (includes Langdon & Chestermere)Additional charges apply to all other communities.

The $200 delivery charge includes:

  • Up to 12yds of bulk soil/mulch and up to 10yds of gravel/rock/sand.


  • up to 24yds bulk soil/mulch


  • up to 20yds gravel/rock/sand.


How Many Trucks do You Have?

Soil Kings has a fleet of 14 dump trucks of various sizes to make deliveries. Our large fleet allows us to offer next business day delivery without fail! The only thing that will delay your next day delivery order is inclement weather. If your delivery is scheduled for a day when it rains or snows, we simply re-schedule the delivery to the day of your choice.

How Does Soil Kings Save me Money?

We’ve created a handy PDF on just that.




Is there a Minimum Charge for Bulk Soil Product Pick Up?
We have a minimum charge of $40 for any bulk soil product, when picking up at our yard. For example, if you pick up 1 or 2 cubic yards of screened topsoil, we will charge you $40. This is the cost for the product. There is no charge for loading it onto your truck or trailer.

Please Note: the $40 fee applies to each and every trip, each time we load. You cannot pay $40 and make multiple trips to pick up topsoil.
For example, we will fill your regular sized pickup truck as full as you would like of screened topsoil for $40.

Is There a Minimum Purchase for Mulch or Aggregate?
The minimum purchase for mulch or aggregate products is half a cubic yard.

Will You Load Product into Any Vehicle?
We cannot load covered trailers, cube vans, etc. Material must be loaded from the TOP of the vehicle or trailer.

How Much Can My Truck Hold?
A half-ton truck can usually hold between 1-2 cubic yards of bulk soil or garden mix. A smaller pickup truck can hold about one cubic yard. A cubic yard of soil weighs about one tonne.

I Came by Soil Kings and No One was There!
We are open during our posted hours, weather permitting. If there has been significant rain or snow, please check the homepage at soilkings.com, and it will be posted if we are closed due to weather.

Do I Need to Call Ahead of Time?
Nope! No appointment necessary! However, if it is raining or snowing significantly, we may be closed due to weather. Our homepage will have a notice if that’s the case.

Should I Bring a Friend to Help Load the Truck?
Bring a friend if you want, but we’ll load your truck!




How is product delivered?
Everything is delivered loose in bulk in our dump trucks. We do NOT use plastic bags.

How Large are Your Trucks?
Trucks hold a maximum of 12 cubic yards of topsoil, garden mix or mulch OR 10 yds of aggregates.

Where Will Your Truck Dump My Material?
Truck will drop material at your desired location (eg. driveway, front yard, back alley) providing there is enough space for the truck to drive there.

Can You Dump Half my Soil in One Spot and the Other Half Somewhere Else?
Not if you only want to pay for delivery once. Once the tailgate opens and the material is dumping out the back, it cannot be stopped. In order to dump in two locations, we’d need to send two trucks, so you’d need two separate delivery charges.

Can Your Trucks Fit on My 3 foot pathway and Float Everything Over My Fence?
Trucks cannot flip material over fences or walls. Trucks require 10 feet of width space to get through gates or tight areas.
All deliveries within curb line at homeowner’s risk.

How Do I Let You Know Where to Dump?
Please place down a tarp or mark an X or provide some other indicator showing exact delivery location desired.

Can You Guarantee a Morning Delivery?
AM delivery not guaranteed. For example, if you are starting a project Friday at 8am, please order delivery for Thursday afternoon.

Do I Need to be Home?
No, but please clearly mark where you want the delivery with a tarp or X.

Can My Delivery Location be in a Back Alley?
If drop location is a back alley, please ensure no power lines are above your drop location.

How Big a Pile is my Order of X Cubic Yards Going to Be?
Here is a pile of 8 cubic yards of screened topsoil (use to help determine how big a pile your order will be).

Bulk Soil