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Make your Landscaping Projects Easy with Soil Kings

Landscaping project of an outdoor garden

  Gardening season is a great time to take on some exciting landscaping projects. Landscaping projects require a lot of work, planning, and even more materials and can range from simple DIY projects to complex designs that require professional assistance. Whatever you choose, you can make your landscaping projects easy with Soil Kings. At Soil Read more

How to Choose the Right Type of Mulch

Close up of a person wearing gardening gloves after they chose the right type of mulch

  Adding mulch to your soil is an essential part of gardening and landscaping that involves placing a layer of material over the soil surface around plants. Mulching has many benefits including conserving moisture in the soil, regulating soil temperature, and improving soil structure and fertility. Mulch also helps to protect your plant roots from Read more

DIY Guide to Composting

Close up of persons hand doing a DIY Composting

  Composting is the superhero of waste management, turning your food scraps and yard waste into a powerful nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used to fertilize plants and gardens. By recycling biodegradable material, you create an ideal environment for bacteria, fungi, and other decomposing materials like worms, sowbugs, and nematodes to work their magic. Read more

Benefits of Adding Screened Topsoil to Your Lawn

Person adding adding screened topsoil to lawn using their hands

  Creating a healthy and visually appealing lawn requires more than just watering and mowing. The quality of the soil beneath your grass plays a crucial role in determining how vibrant and resilient your lawn will be. This is where screened topsoil for lawn care becomes essential. Screened topsoil has been filtered to remove debris Read more