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Best Purposes for Mulch

Best Purposes for Mulch - Soil Kings - Landscaping Supplies Calgary - Featured Image

We can’t say enough good things about mulch. While aggregates can also be used to control weeds (and they’re also great for draining water away from around the house), there are some jobs where mulch is simply the right tool for the job. Here are just a few of the places where mulch performs best. Read more

Setting Up a Good Dog Run — What Aggregates to Use and Why

Setting Up a Good Dog Run — What Aggregates to Use and Why - Soil Kings - Landscaping Supplies Calgary - Featured Image

Dogs are the best but at some point, even the most enthusiastic dog owner gets sick and tired of cleaning up dog poop from all corners of the yard. The solution? An easy to clean dog run which keeps all the poop in one place, so you can enjoy your yard again.   How Large? Read more

Mulch vs. Decorative Rock for Landscaping Design

Mulch vs. Decorative Rock for Landscaping Design - Soil Kings - Bulk Landscaping Supplies - Featured Image

When it comes to adding a finishing flourish to your landscaping, mulch and aggregates are both obvious options. They both bring vivid colours and interesting textures to your landscaping. They both help to insulate soil from wind and reduce temperature fluctuations, and (with sufficient depth) they both prevent weeds from growing. So how does a Read more

Keeping Your Soil Healthy

Keeping Your Soil Healthy - Soil Kings - Bulk Landscaping Supplies - Featured Image

It’s easy to look at dirt as something dead and in infinite supply. But good topsoil is a living material. It’s full of living microorganisms, insects, worms, organic material, and more which all work symbiotically to create an excellent growing medium for plants. And just like all living things need to be fed, watered, and Read more

Keeping Your Garden Healthy During the Summer

Keeping Your Garden Healthy During the Summer - Soil Kings - Bulk Landscaping Supplies Calgary - Featured Image

The climate in Calgary can make keeping a garden healthy all summer long more than a little challenging. We know that won’t stop anyone from trying — Albertans are up to any challenge. But while perseverance and grit will take you a long way, a little bit of knowledge can make the road to success Read more

Why Do We Offer So Many Different Types of Soil?

Why Do We Offer So Many Different Types of Soil? - Soil Kings - Bulk Landscaping Supplies Calgary

One question we hear at Soil Kings surprisingly often is, why do we offer such a range of different types of soil? From our KINGS Premium Garden Mix on one end of the spectrum to unscreened, raw loam on the other, it’s true that you can pretty much find any type of soil product you’re Read more